The Mediterranean Diet is an application model to the Global Goals UNO

Food control as a power expression. Food access as a peace expression

‘The Earth can satisfy everyone’s needs, but cannot satisfy someone’s greed’ ‘ (Mahatma Gandhi)

‘10% of the Earth population controls the rest of the World. Economy has overwhelmed sociality. Common goods are privately owned;  water, seeds and everything which is necessary for everybody’s survival must be commonly owned and shared. Sustainable development is rooted in the past, in traditions. But governments just speak about growth, which is no longer possible, neither affordable: it’s time to invent prosperity  without growth. Growth is nothing else than a western myth.’

(Serge Latouche:’ (in Italian ‘L’economia è una menzogna, come mi sono accorto che il mondo si stava scavando la fossa”. Ed- Bollati Boringhieri, 2014)